Wednesday, February 27, 2013

No News is Bad News

These last couple days haven't been the best mostly because my husband ran out of money on his phone account. The silence sucks. It's hard going from talking to him everyday, whenever I wanted to a couple minute phone calls. Sometimes it doesn't feel real; like our relationship was something I made up in my head. Then I look through our pictures and read something he wrote and I know it was real. I can't help but wonder what our life would be like right now if he hadn't been convicted. I know it doesn't really help the current situation but I can't help myself. Especially at night when I'm running on only a little bit of sleep and I wish he was here to help with the baby. I love my son to death but it does get exhausting to be doing this on my own. My mom helps me out in the evening but I wish more than anything my husband could meet his son. Just to be able to hold him.

I did file what they call a "congressional complaint". I wrote to the state rep in North Carolina and asked them to investigate my husband's case and trial. They asked for information which is more than I got from them last time. We'll see if anything comes of it. I doubt anything will but I have to try. My husband did say one guy he was in with had his case overturned because of a congressional complaint. Now he's just waiting on his release papers. God, I wish more than anything that would happen for us. That somehow I could get him out NOW. The waiting and wondering is the most difficult. Sitting around waiting for the record of trial to come back and wondering if clemency or an appeal will help us sometimes drives me crazy. I try not to get too hopeful but I can't help but pray for a happy ending for us. We need this to get overturned for the good of our future. My son is growing up so fast and I just can't stand for my husband to miss anymore than he already has. I hate being at the mercy of this system. Please pray for us to whomever you want.

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