Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Looking Forward

It's been awhile between posts again but I've been busy with work and the baby. It helps time pass but it sucks working my butt off for a little bit of money. Oh well, it's better than nothing I suppose. I go this week to try and get on WIC which should hopefully alleviate some of the costs I've accrued with raising a new baby. I've also been looking into Food Stamps. I know I'll do what I have to in order to make ends meet.

The other day I was feeling pretty down. Still no word on my husband's record of trial and the not knowing is driving me crazy. My husband told me something very true though. The worst day was the day he got convicted. Every day after that is one step closer. Whether he's out in 2 years, 6 years, or at the very worst 8, every day is a step closer to him being home again. We just have to take it one day at a time. Since he told me that I have been repeating it to myself and honestly, it does help. In the meant time he did get his detail changed. Finally. After 3 phone calls. He seems more upbeat now that he doesn't have such a physically demanding job and works shorter hours. It's also nice to know that Colonel Keller took my concerns seriously and decided to help my husband out. Whether they believe they're guilty or not these men are still people. I also heard back from congress which, as I suspected, yielded little results. The Army told them that my husband received due process of the law and can file his grievances with an appeal. What they don't get is that he shouldn't be in there at ALL. So him sitting there waiting for an appeal is years he'll be missing from his life. Sometimes the process is so slow and cumbersome I could scream. But, one day at a time. Like he said; we can only go up from here.

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