I came across this article on msn the other day. My husband called and we started talking about it.
Basically, if you want the shortened version, a Ft Hood soldier accidentally shot his friend while drunk. He killed his friend, plead guilty to involuntary manslaughter and got 3 1/2 years, a dishonorable discharge, and busted down to E1 rank.
3 years for KILLING SOMEONE?! Now, I know involuntarily manslaughter is different from premeditated murder but my husband didn't kill anyone (shoot, he didn't even commit the crimes he was convicted of) and got 8 years. Is there any sort of standard for sentencing or do the panel members just draw numbers out of a hat? My husband told me a guy in prison with him accidentally pushed someone down the stairs. The person later died and the guy got sentenced to 20 years. I just don't understand what is going through the panel members' heads when they convict someone. There needs to be some sort of standard for sentencing. This type of choose-as-you-go punishment breeds injustice.
We're currently still waiting for my husband's record of trial to come back before filing for clemency. I can only pray that the Commander General reads all the letters written on his behalf and his lawyer's write up of mistakes made during the trial and takes pity on us by reducing his sentence. I can't comprehend being without my husband for years on end and because of his charges we have to fight for him to be able to see his son at visitation. It's not fair and seeing such a light sentence for such a serious crime makes me even angrier. The military justice system needs an overhaul in order to be more fair to soldiers and their families.
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