So I've noticed I've been neglecting the blog. I've been fairly busy with work; I'm a dispatcher now so I put in a lot of hours. Thankfully, my employer pays overtime. Almost to the point where I didn't qualify for WIC anymore! School has been also keeping me busy, I've been trying to keep my grades up because, as crazy as it sounds, I've been contemplating joining the military as an officer. I know, I know but I miss having the security that the military brings and it would allow me to do something with my degree right away. We shall see.
Blair is 8 months old now. He is growing too fast! We were denied visitation because of what his charges are so that was quite a blow for us. But his civilian attorney said he's never heard of something like this in the 20 years he's been working and recommended some paths for my husband to appeal the decision. He also believes we have a strong case for appeal because legal errors were made in my husband's case. That being said we are STILL waiting on the official transcript to come back from the judge. His JAG lawyer is supposed to be finding out what the hold up is because I just realized we got the ROT back in June and still have yet to go to clemency with it. This is an entirely long process.
The good news is that I will get to see my husband in November. The drive to Leavenworth isn't nearly as long as I thought so I just need to get myself a hotel. I'm very excited since I haven't seen him since Februrary! It also gave him something to look forward to as well. It's hard to believe we're coming up on a year already though. Sometimes it feels like just yesterday.